Friday, January 1, 2016


A new year is more than just a party. It's not limited for leagues or pigs and figs. It's not a one time-event of testimonies on losing or gaining. It's actually undefined or maybe it's either too real or too hyped to make believe. It's even too early for a conclusion and a little too late for an introduction. It is  another day that passes by. It's an escape made by humans to hang on hope, more so, to persevere. It's like blind tasting wines or reading signs. It's a revolution against the old and new or nonexistent demons . A new year is not a time for new beginnings nor it's a time to wind up endings. A new year does not have a date. A date does not have a day. A day isn't ruled by time. And time does not exist. New year can be every single fucking day. Make it everyday.

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